Curiouser and Curiouser

       Tonight I watched Alice in Wonderland and I couldn’t not write about my thoughts after seeing this movie for the millionth time. In this specific movie, the viewers see Alice struggle with so many different internal issues, yet she still becomes the bad ass hero that everyone believed her to be. One of the major lessons from the first Alice movie is that the only way anything becomes impossible is if you start believing that it is not possible. This is beautiful to me because it reminds me very much of depression. To me personally (because depression is different for every individual), my depression only hits me very hard and evidently when I am alone and I don’t have anyone to talk to or nothing to do. I very firmly believe that when I am creating and focusing on things that make me happy, that is when my depression fails to effect. While it is still there, when I partake in these activities, my depression cannot resurface. When Alice believes in herself, the impossible task of slaying the Jabberwocky suddenly becomes possible because she believes she can do it. Just like I believe that I can be happy while doing specific activities and my depression subsides.

         Alice is everything to me because she is a physical manifestation of courage, hope, and compassion. Since I was a girl, I have always been fascinated with Alice because she was all of the characteristics that I wanted to possess as an adult woman. Now that I am an adult, I believe that I am courageous, hopeful, and compassionate in my own ways. Every day is a struggle with depression, don’t get me wrong, but I am becoming curiouser and curiouser with every step of the way to potentially figure myself out.