
Recently reality has been sort of smacking me in the face and I just can’t decide if I like it or not? Sounds funny, right? Why would I like it if I’m getting beaten down by reality? Well, it’s all surreal, in the best possible way. I’m tired of being so afraid of the future.. I am perfectly capable of acing my classes, getting a promotion at work, saving money, and reaching all of the other goals I have for myself. I CAN DO THIS. I AM PERFECTLY CAPABLE.

Taken for Granted

Sometimes someone can only be so nice to others until they achieve a feeling where their kindness is being completely abused. I’m sorry that I upset you, why can’t you also be sorry that you upset me? What is so wrong with admitting that you are wrong?


You hurt me and I’m not quite ready to forgive you yet, that’s something that comes with time.

Curiouser and Curiouser

       Tonight I watched Alice in Wonderland and I couldn’t not write about my thoughts after seeing this movie for the millionth time. In this specific movie, the viewers see Alice struggle with so many different internal issues, yet she still becomes the bad ass hero that everyone believed her to be. One of the major lessons from the first Alice movie is that the only way anything becomes impossible is if you start believing that it is not possible. This is beautiful to me because it reminds me very much of depression. To me personally (because depression is different for every individual), my depression only hits me very hard and evidently when I am alone and I don’t have anyone to talk to or nothing to do. I very firmly believe that when I am creating and focusing on things that make me happy, that is when my depression fails to effect. While it is still there, when I partake in these activities, my depression cannot resurface. When Alice believes in herself, the impossible task of slaying the Jabberwocky suddenly becomes possible because she believes she can do it. Just like I believe that I can be happy while doing specific activities and my depression subsides.

         Alice is everything to me because she is a physical manifestation of courage, hope, and compassion. Since I was a girl, I have always been fascinated with Alice because she was all of the characteristics that I wanted to possess as an adult woman. Now that I am an adult, I believe that I am courageous, hopeful, and compassionate in my own ways. Every day is a struggle with depression, don’t get me wrong, but I am becoming curiouser and curiouser with every step of the way to potentially figure myself out.

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

Lately, I have been reading:
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs.
These are my thoughts so far!

Firstly, Ransom is an amazing artist. And, yes, I saw artist because he is so much more than just an author or a writer. He truly knows his ways with words and how to make you feel like you are immersed in his books. I am so incredibly beyond impressed with this gentleman.

Secondly, okay the characters are just… wow. Jacob stole my heart from the very beginning. He is sweet, curious, inquisitive, and just overall lovable as a character in this book. Grandpa Portman was everything I hoped he’d be: eccentric, crazy, courageous, and just overprotective of his loved ones. And Miss Peregrine herself… she is a sweet, kind hearted, majestic, graceful woman who truly cares about her “children”.

Finally, guys the STORY itself is SO GOOD. I cannot stress this enough. Honestly, while I’m typing this lovely review, I wish I could be reading the book instead! I mean, there are parts that will make you laugh, cry, shutter in fear, and most importantly, there are parts that will actually give you goosebumps (I kid you not)… I am so beyond impressed!

Overall Rating
5 out of 5 stars

Lost and Lonely

I am confused and lost. I do not know how to get out of this terrible spiral. I don’t whether to scream, laugh, or cry. I think that if I could just be done with school (one more year) then my life would be so much more complete and I could be happier than I currently pretend to be.

Overall, I think I need help but I’m afraid if I ask for it because I think people will just start to look at me like I am some diseased puppy who has to be constantly watched so I don’t fall and hurt myself.

Page 6: Ten Facts About the City You Live in

  1. Sinagua, Anasazi and Cohonina Indians were the first to settle in the area of Flagstaff.
  2. Flagstaff derived its name from a flag-raising ceremony held on the Fourth of July in 1876.
  3. Flagstaff’s early development was associated with the railroad, lumber and livestock industries.
  4. Northern Arizona University, which calls Flagstaff home, was founded as the Northern Arizona Normal School at Flagstaff in 1899.
  5. Flagstaff is situated in the pines at an elevation of approximately 7,000 feet (2,134 m), near the base of the San Francisco Peaks.
  6. Mount Humphreys is the highest point in Arizona and towers above Flagstaff at 12,633 feet.
  7. Flagstaff is located near the center of Northern Arizona at the juncture of Interstate 17 and Interstate 40, about 150 miles north of Phoenix, AZ and 80 miles south of the Grand Canyon.
  8. Flagstaff is the county seat for Coconino County, the second largest county in the United States, with an area of 11,896,720 acres.
  9. Pluto was discovered at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, AZ.
  10. Flagstaff has an average of 108 inches of snowfall in a year.