
I sat down and wrote a list of things that make me happy. After writing number 54, I realized that I hadn’t done many of these things in a while and maybe that’s why I felt so empty. So I left, bought some ice cream, and ran up the stairs so I could feel my heart beat in my chest and I thought it was a good place to start. And I smiled because I remembered that I am alive.

Flames to Perfection

She walked carefully on her tip-toes around everyone near her so she wouldn’t spark the flames of their anger. But trying to be perfect was exhausting, and she decided that it was better to be her imperfect self and ignite their fires every once in a while than to let all of the feelings she had buried burn her alive from the inside out.


I wish you could see yourself through my eyes instead of through the mirror. Because the mirror is cruel and only provides a window through which the world can pick out what determines your flaws, but my eyes are compassionate and only see the beautiful compilation of pieces that make you who you are. And how lucky I am that you are you and that you chose me for me.